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Post-Slavery American
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Henry Thacker Burleigh

Henry Thacker Burleigh

This lesson covered the Old Guard pre-Emancipation and post-Emancipation. The lesson reviewed band music in Philadelphia by Francis (Frank) Johnson; guitar music in Ohio by Justin Miner Holland; piano music in Georgia by Thomas Green Wiggins Bethune; vocal music from a nightingale by Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield; and spiritual art songs by Harry Thacker Burleigh.

Additionally, the lesson covered classical composers such as William Grant Still, Florence Price, and Robert Nathaniel Dett. The New Kids on the Block-1900-2021, Hale Smith, and the Black Music Repertory Ensemble were also discussed.

Let the music of the Black composers not be relegated to the cultural closet and specific months of the year, but let it be performed and discussed side by side with the music of their European counterparts.

Eileen Southern

The Black musician has created an entirely new music-in a style peculiarly Afro-American-that today spreads its influence over the entire world. And ever since his arrival in the New World, he has enriched with his contributions the European-based musical traditions of the nation.