Neo-Soul 3
Alicia Keys is another singer who is responsible for helping us arrive at a greater understanding of neo-soul. Her ability as a singer, pianist, and songwriter allows her to contribute to neo-soul characteristics and performance practices in a fuller way than perhaps some of her contemporaries. Take, for example, the song " Fallin'" from her debut album Songs in A Minor (2001). Keys's melismasA group of many notes (usually at least five or six) sung melodically to a single syllable. Melismas are found especially in liturgical chant. (e.g., from 00:00-00:10), executed against the backdrop of her syncopated piano accompaniment and strings playing in a legatoA directive to perform the indicated passage of a composition in a smooth, graceful, connected style, as opposed to staccato. It is often indicated by a slur over the effected notes or as an accent mark with a line over the notes to be performed in this manner. and pizzicatoA directive to a bowed string instrument performer that the indicated notes are to be plucked with the fingers rather than bowed (arco). The abbreviation for this term is pizz. manner, create interesting contrasting sonorities. The background singers add another layer of musical texture, which, combined with other aspects, conveys the essential element of the song: the message of love. Like other neo-soul artists, she uses the symphony orchestra to stimulate the lyrics of love further. " A Woman's Worth" also combines all these elements brilliantly.
Keys's thought-provoking lyrics of commitment, the piano accompaniment, and vocal dramatization in " If I Ain't Got You" from The Diary of Alicia Keys (2003) place her within the shortest possible list of not only neo-soul artists but women artists. This song is the first of its kind by a woman to remain on the Billboard charts for over one year (Breckenridge 2015, 377).
Interesting instrumentations are also evident in Floetery's Floetic (2002). Floetry is a female duet that features Marsha Ambrosius as lead singer and emcee Natalie Stewart. For example, in " Ms. Stress ," a cello plays a counterpoint to the rap phraseology (00:52-02:08). " Sunshine" also uses a string section, sound effects, tympany while the voice speaks from 00:00 to 00:29.
Neo-soul is a reasonably recent category for identifying Black-sounding music. Nevertheless, the list below introduces these and other neo-soul artists and their albums to this currently evolving stylistic genre.