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Listening Guide: Jill Scott "One is the Magic #"
"One is the Magic #" by Jill Scott | ||
Introduction | A trumpet plays a passage that one might hear at a bullfight alternating with the singer speaking in Spanish. | [00:00-00:29] 00:29 |
Verse 1 | A woman soloist enters singing lyrics in English. A second voice appears sporadically in the background. |
[00:29-00:52] 00:23 |
Verse 2 | Same as verse 1 but with different lyrics; The trumpet plays a brief passage just before verse 3. |
[00:52-01:14] 00:22 |
Verse 3 | Same as verse 1 but with different lyrics. | [01:14-1:24] 00:10 |
Chorus | The chorus sings in harmony to the song's title words. The trumpet plays sporadically between the background singers' passages. |
[01:24-01:48] 00:24 |
Verse 4 | Same as verse 1 but with different lyrics. | [01:48-02:11] 00:23 |
Verse 5 | Same as verse 1 but with different lyrics. | [02:11-02:21] 00:10 |
Chorus | Same as chorus above. A solo voice singing on the vowel "ooh" at a high pitch along with other voices. |
[02:21-02:25] 00:04 |
Coda | Voices sing polyphonically on the word "me." From 02:45 to 03:29, a solo voice sings on the vowel "ooh" at a high pitch along with other voices. At 03:29, a flute enters accompanied by the band and slowly fades. |
[02:25-03:49] 01:24 |