The characteristics of these folk spirituals reveal musical traits that African Americans had never forgotten from their motherland. The use of polyrhythm, antiphony, repetition of short phrases, part singing incremental lines, incremental repetition, and syncopation were all devices that enslaved Africans were familiar with, although they might not have called them by those names. From the time that the African folk community began to use these musical traits in the spontaneous development of spirituals, historical documents reveal the profound impact that these devices have had on those who have been exposed to them.
Walk Together Children
O, walk together children
Don't you get weary
Walk together children
Don't you get weary
Walk together children
Don't you get weary
There's a great camp meeting in the Promised Land
Steal Away
"Steal away
steal away
steal away to Jesus
Steal away
steal away home
I ain't got long to stay here"